mercoledì 31 agosto 2011


Enrolment form to be forwarded to the organising committee:

Associazione Culturale La Chiarantana Via Teverone 19 – ARDEA (RM – ITALY)

the payment of 30 Euros will be in favour of "AMREF"
through bank transfert to: Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma (BCC)
Agenzia di Lido dei Pini C/C no. 22174 Intestato “Associazione Culturale La Chiarantana”
IBAN    IT 47 C 083 2739 5400 0000 0022  174                                    
to be confirmed by FAX at no. (39)06 910 14413 or by e-mail:

DEADLINE: 10 days before the commencement of the competition
Data of participant
Surname and name………………………………………………
Place and date of birth…………………………………………
Nationality / country of residence…………………………
Telephone /e-mail……………………………………………

Specify language of participation in the Writing and Recitation competitions: Italian - English - French - German - Spanish

*Accommodation request: specify number of persons………………………

The Organization will assist with accommodation, which can, however, be arranged direct with the "Country Club Village" through the web site

* Request for transport from airport/station……………